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A New Chapter is About to Begin.

As graduation nears, December 15, 2017 at 2:00 pm, I figured I would begin a new blog to share my journey into the big leagues! In this entry, I am going to post all of my currents. This entry will be a time capsule of sorts to go back and read in the future and compare the me now to the me in the future.

Before I get into all of my currents, I would like to share with you the story of my daughter and how she became an angel. My baby's name is Kyra Jade and she is no longer with us in this world. She was born on May 30, 2017, 3 days past her due date and passed away on June 17, 2017. She was born without a heartbeat but was revived after 26 long minutes. She suffered severe brain injuries and had silent seizures, which are seizures that only an EEG can read and we can't see physically. If you would like to read the complete story, follow this link:

My Currents:

Marital Status: Single - however I am in a wonderful relationship with Ryan and we have been together for 5+ years.

Career Goal: Right out of college, I am open to any job in the criminal justice or security sector. My dream career is to become a criminal investigator.

Age: 31

Biggest regret: June 20, 2009 - misdemeanor for public intoxication

Most embarrassing moment: See: Biggest regret.

Occupation: Student - for a little longer!

Children: 1 step daughter and 1 angel

Future children: Nope. I had tubal surgery. Losing my 3rd child made me realize that I am not meant to be a mom, but my life has other opportunities that will be just as amazing as having a child. I am now career focused.

Current pets: 2 dogs, Lexus and Diva and 1 cat Princess

Current vehicle: Toyota Camry 2013 (Birthday gift from my sweetie, Ryan).

School: Final semester in college, Austin Peay State University

Graduate school: Up in the air, option is on the table. If I decide to go, I want my Ph.D. in Criminology and if I need a masters to get into a Ph.D. program (depending on the school requirements) I will get my Masters in Social Work.

Retirement plans: If I have my Ph.D., I would like to retire and focus on being an author. I would like to interview death row inmates and write their stories. If I do not have a Ph. D., Ryan and I will travel around the world and live the life of jet setters!

Family Dynamics: I have purposefully decided to not talk to the majority of my family on my mom's side due to their views and very verbal opinions on me and how they think and disagree with how Ryan and I handled our grieving and lack of publishing as much and as often as they wanted me to when it came to Kyra once she was born and after she passed away. My dad and I have a hot and cold relationship. I am close with my step mom. I haven't talked to my Grandma Z due to no one willing to give me her phone number and or address. I have come across an address for my grandma, but I have been nervous to contact her as we haven't talked in YEARS!!! We were so close growing up and now we are so far apart! My sister Crystal disowned me as family, also as part of the family drama listed above. My sister Nina and I talk, but we haven't seen each other in years, longer than I haven't spoken with my grandma Z. My brother Zach, who was adopted by my dad, but is my step mom's son, he and I are actually pretty close, the closest of my siblings. Crystal lives geographically closest (within a few miles from me), Nina lives the next closest, and Zach is currently deployed but lives with our dad when he isn't deployed.

Hobby: Currently, I am enjoying being an extra for the CMT show Nashville. I am in the first 3 episodes of season 6 which is still filming so I am assuming won't be airing until 2018 sometime.

Favorite movie: Every movie in the Saw franchise. I also love Thirteen and Donnie Darko

Favorite song: Mad World by Gary Jules

Favorite actor and actress: Vin Diesel and Jessica Alba

Favorite band: My Chemical Romance and The Pretty Reckless

Favorite music genra: Rock, classic rock, alternative

Drinker: I enjoy a drink with dinner on date nights, or spontaneous lunch dates. I also enjoy knowing if and when I do want a drink, I can just look in the fridge and grab a drink. That being said, I don't drink often. Since my family has a history of alcoholism and addiction, I make sure I never drink if I am anything but happy, I will never and have never drove after drinking.

Drugs: I have never done drugs or smoked cigarettes or weed. I have been in a room with people who were smoking weed, however, so I have been in contact with it.

Religion: I am pagan/wiccan

Family 2.0: Ryan and I are a family. He is a father to a wonderful young lady, Katie, and I am a step mother to her. I hope one day that I will be a great step mother like Sherry was to me. Ryan and I are also fur parents to our lovely pets and we intend to grow our fur baby family!

Favorite food(s): Oh gosh, I am a foodie! I love food. I could never be anorexic or bulimic. I absolutely love onion rings and fried pickles! I love spaghetti, pizza, and lasagna! Taco Bell will always be an option! I love to cook but love to bake even more!

Favorite drink(s): Hot chocolate, specifically Ihop's hot chocolate! Mmmmm. Also, when I was pregnant, Kyra turned me from Pepsi to Coke and now I can't stand Pepsi and love Coke. I also enjoy peach tea Snapple.

Favorite restaurant(s): Ihop, Buffalo Wild Wings, Olive Garden, Mellow Mushroom

Chocolate: Ghirardelli carmel squares, m&m minis, Carmello, Almond Joy, Sour Patch Kids

Dream place to live: We both want to move to either Georgia or Florida in a home that is either in the woods or country!

Guilty Pleasures: ICP, watching Gossip Girl, and

taking lots of selfies!

Therapy: I use makeup as an outlet on the really hard days to keep my mind occupied so that I do not fall into a deep hole of depression. I also love to read to remove myself from the world of emotions that race in my head on the days I have a hard time missing or thinking about Kyra.

Body: I am overweight but otherwise healthy. I am working on getting physically fit to prepare for academy, hopefully, after I graduate college! 220 pounds currently.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better! I am an open book! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section!

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